In the Nebraska Sand Hills, grass-stabilized dunes rise up to 400 feet above interdunes. View is

looking north along Whitman Road, south of Whitman, NE.

Cut through dune made during excavation for Calamus River Dam, near Burwell, NE. Frozen

paleontologist (Bob Hunt) for scale. Note disrupted cross-bedding in center of photo.

Closer view of folded cross-strata. Machete for scale. Note wind-ripple lamination at right.

Cross-section of down-fold shows it is bilobed. This is a bison track in cross-section.

Bison tracks are abundant at many outcrops of Holocene sand within the Sand Hills. In this scene,

near Gudmundson Ranch near Whitman, NE, tracks are present in sand and along contact with

underlying marsh deposit.

Close-up of excavated contact between dune and marsh deposits shown above. Note bison tracks

in both plan view and cross-section.

Same location as previous image, showing bison tracks in plan view.

Wind-blown sand is present within the Broadwater Formation (Pliocene, about 3 million years).

Proboscidian (elephant) bones are present in the Broadwater, and this large downfold in wind-

ripple lamination is interpreted as an elephant track in cross-section.