
Chris Fielding's research group is concerned with the sedimentology and stratigraphy of fluvial, coastal and shallow marine successions and environments, with particular emphasis on applications to natural resource exploration and production. We study modern depositional environments such as the Platte River valley of southern Nebraska, using techniques such as surface mapping and sampling, subsurface drilling and geophysical methods such as Ground-Penetrating Radar. We operate a Pulse EKKO Pro GPR unit with 50, 100 and 250 MHz antenna sets. We also study ancient successions, particularly those formed in settings of comparatively low accommodation. We seek to improve upon conventional facies and stratigraphic models, and determine analog reservoir properties, for successions formed under limited accommodation, such as in the Cretaceous of the Western Interior Seaway Basin of Utah and Wyoming, and the Carboniferous and Permian of Midwest USA and eastern Australia. We are also engaged in stratigraphic analyses of successions formed during Icehouse periods of Earth History, in order to develop more highly-resolved interpretations of the stratigraphic imprint of climate change. Current projects include the Neogene of Antarctica, and the Pennsylvanian of Atlantic Canada and Midwest USA. Click the links below to find out more information about our research.


Modern Depositional Environments - Platte River Valley

Cretaceous of the Western Interior Seaway Basin

Late Paleozoic of Australia

Neogene of Antarctica

Late Paleozoic of Atlantic Canada